I don’t know why the street was roped off: they were there when I got home and there was no evidence of what had happened. Whatever it was, it doesn’t seem to have been newsworthy; unlike last time the street I lived in was closed by the police, when I was living in Melbourne and
Brenden Abbott decided to hole up on my block after breaking out of gaol. That was more exciting, if waiting for six hours to be let 25 metres down your street to get home is your idea of excitement.
He got away, in case you were hanging out to find how that last anecdote ended.
Wait! I’ve just had a leaflet slipped under my door. There was a shooting at the dodgy pub across the street. This place feels
more and more like home every day.
Filed under: The Bunker by Ben.H
Wow, in your neighborhood they pass out fliers when there's a shooting? Wish they did that here in L.A. Of course they'd go through a lot of paper…
They post signs at the crime site, like this one. There's one up on the corner now, but not for murder, just for discharging a firearm.
Ben, that sign is just begging to be the point of departure for a public art project. Probably not in the UK, since they use them to help solve real crimes, but maybe on this side of the pond. Could be funny. Like, "CAN YOU HELP US, we can't remember where we put our keys" or something.
I think someone's already been doing something this around the UK: I had a moment of deja-vu when I read your comment. Someone was making mock-up of these signs to document ordinary, everyday moments on the street.