Precious insights into how I write my music

Monday 24 October 2011

Start composing a piece of music.

Feel irresistible urge to procrastinate.

Dig out old piece which I hadn’t quite finished.

Look at old piece. Decide it needs revision.

Discover that making satisfactory revisions to old piece will require it to be remade from scratch.

Restart old piece from scratch. Discover completely different method of composing it from first time.

Stop. This approach needs to be thought through.

Make new set of calculations to rewrite old piece.

Fix errors in calculations.

Trial and error. Finally get correct effect sought for.

Formalise process for completing one element of revised old composition.

Look for ways of automating this process.

Discover there is no way of usefully automating the process.

Repeat process manually to complete another element. Success!

Realise you’ll have to repeat this process another 548 times.

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